Version 4.21 ------------ - Fixed some problems with the CPU load meter. Version 4.20 ------------ - Full support of Windows XP Themes (using Windows XP Theme Manager by Mike Lischke). - Added an option for explicitly reactivate or not the last programmed shut dow. This allows running the program at session start without activating last shut down. - Related to the previous point, the shut down reactivation works now with all modes. - Changed the way the shut down by idle CPU works: now it's based in CPU use percentage instead of using CPU idle percentage (which was rather confusing for some people). - The "Shut down now" menu/button now display a menu for choosing the type of shut down, instead of using the last used shut down type. - The shut down date (if any is used) is shown in the display. - Fix: programming a shut down doesn't prevent the shut down of the system via the Start Menu. - Fix: now you can specify command line parameters for the program that is executed before the shut down. - Some other minor changes and fixes. Version 4.10 ------------ - Added an option for hiding the tray bar icon (stealth mode). In this mode, the configuration windows can be accessed using a hotkey. - The cancel button of the shut down warning window now could be disabled, adding the possibility of showing a warning without allowing cancelling. - Added help hints for all options. - Fixed the bug when using settings for all users: Now restricted users can read the global configuration. - Previously, changing the display options from the tray icon menu make permanent that changes, although Save of OK buttons hadn't be used. Now that changes are temporal. - Some other minor changes and fixes. Version 4.01 ------------ - Changed the order of events before shutdown. The new order is: program execution, desktop capture and modem hang up. - Fixed a bug that prevent the command-line features to work. - Some other minor bugs fixed. Version 4.00 ------------ - Added new shut down options: suspend, hibernate and lock computer. - CPU idle detection now works in Windows NT/2000/XP (thanks to Alexey A. Dynnikov [ ] for his sample code). - Fixed a (stupid) bug that prevent the modem features to work in Windows NT/2000/XP. - Added command-line parameters for hang up the modem, suspend, hibernate and lock computer. - Added option for disabling the screen saver while monitoring the CPU idle to prevent that it could load the CPU. - Some other minor features added. - Several minor bugs fixed. Version 3.53 ------------ - Fixed a bug that caused that the "Used current time plus" button to make bad calculations sometimes. - Fixed a bug that could make fail the execution of a program from WinOFF in Windows 2000/XP - Some other minor bugs fixed. Version 3.52 ------------ - Fixed a bug that prevent the command-line parameters to work properly. Version 3.51 ------------ - Fixed a bug in the RAS.DLL loading process in Windows 2000. Version 3.5 ----------- - Option for hang up the modem instead of doing a shut down. - Option for capture the desktop before the shut down. - Option for execute a program before the shut down. - A password can be set to access the configuration. - Now the same settings can be used for all Windows users. - Added a tray icon menu item to shut down the system immediately. - Added some other minor features. - Some minor bugs fixed. Version 3.0 ----------- - WinOFF can detect now the charge of the CPU and shut down the system when the CPU becomes idle. - Option for select the time format: 24 hours or AM/PM. - Option for show a display with the shut down time. - The amount of time that the alert window is shown is now configurable. - The alert window is now shown on top of other windows. - Added a Save button in the main window, to save the options without activate any shutdown mode. - Minor bugs fixed. Version 2.2 ----------- - Improved command line support with new options to allow to run WinOFF in a batch process without previous configuration. - Eliminated the restriction that didn't allow run WinOFF in command line mode if it be active. Version 2.1 ----------- - Added command line support for batch shut down. Version 2.0 ----------- - Improved interface. - Support for Windows 2000 and better support for Windows NT. - Option for choose the shut down mode. - Option for choose force/non force mode. - Date support in shut down at certain hour mode. - Option for start the program with Windows. - Button to close the system in the moment. Version 1.1 ----------- - First version published in Internet.